RAMajd's daily notes

Notes about challenges I face during my day to day work

Hash Maps in C

1. About HashMap data structure

HashMap is a data structure which is efficient for lookup operations. HashMap does the key search operation in O(1).

1.1. Strengths:

  • Fast lookups: since the HashMap performs the lookup operation in O(1), it's efficient for the usecases we want to continously perform the search operations on a series of data.
  • Flexible Keys: any comparable data type can be used as the key for HashMap.

1.2. Weaknesses:

  • Slow worst-case lookup: in the worst case which the Hash function generate similar hash for the keys, the Lookup operation turns into O(n), which is similar to the array or linked-list.
  • Unordered: the keys wont save in any special order, so if we want to look for the greatest/lowest keys, we need to traverse all the keys to find the desired one.
  • one-direction lookup: since we can look for the value of a key in O(1), looking for the keys pointing to a specific value, requires to loop over all the elements in the HashMap with O(n) order.
  • not cache friendly: since most of the HashMap implementations are based on LinkedList, we can't read a series of data together at once from the memory.
  Average Worst Case
Space complexity O(n) O(n)
Insertion time O(1) O(n)
Lookup time O(1) O(n)
Deletion time O(1) O(n)

2. Implementing HashMap in C

you can find the code for this blog post in this repository.

in this post we want to implement a HashMap data structure, with int as the keys and void* as values.

First step, we need to define the data structure that stores the HashMap items. and also the functions for allocation and deletion operations. we call it MapEntry.

typedef struct _MapEntry {
  int key;
  void *value;
  struct _MapEntry *next;
} MapEntry;

MapEntry *map_entry_init(int key, void *value);
void map_entry_free(MapEntry *entry);

the implementation for the allocation and deletion functions are straight-forward:

  • Allocate new MapEntry:

    MapEntry *map_entry_init(int key, void *value) {
      MapEntry *entry = malloc(sizeof(MapEntry));
      entry->key = key;
      entry->value = value;
      entry->next = NULL;
      return entry;
  • Free the memory allocated for MapEntry: we should free the memory recursively. for a MapEntry and all it's children.

    void map_entry_free(MapEntry *entry) {
      while (entry && entry->next) {

Having the MapEntry structure, now we can go implementing the HashMap itself.

typedef struct {
  MapEntry **entries;
  size_t count;
  size_t size;
} HashMap;

HashMap *hash_map_init(size_t map_size);
void hash_map_free(HashMap *map);
void hash_map_insert(HashMap *map, int key, void *value);
bool hash_map_get(HashMap *map, int key, void *value);
void *hash_map_delete(HashMap *map, int key);
  • Initiate new HashMap: first we allocate the memory itself. then we need to allocate the memory for it's entries.

    HashMap *hash_map_init(size_t map_size) {
      HashMap *map = malloc(sizeof(map_size));
      map->count = 0;
      map->size = map_size;
      map->entries = malloc(sizeof(MapEntry) * map_size);
      size_t i;
      for (i = 0; i < map_size; ++i) {
        map->entries[i] = NULL;
      return map;
  • Free an allocated HashMap: first we need to free the map entries recursively. then we delete the HashMap itself from memory.

    void hash_map_free(HashMap *map) {
      size_t i;
      for (i = 0; i < map->size; ++i) {
        map->entries[i] = NULL;
  • Hash function: we need to define a function to transform each key to a position in HashMap. for simplicity we use the reminder of the key divided by map size as the item position.

    size_t hash_function(HashMap *map, int key) {
      return key % map->size;
  • Insert new value: first we need to calculate the key slot using our hash function, then we will put the MapEntry to matching slot. in case of colision occurence, we should add the entry to the end of the slot linked-list.

    void hash_map_insert(HashMap *map, int key, void *value){
      MapEntry *entry = map_entry_init(key, value);
      size_t slot = hash_function(map, key);
      if (map->entries[slot] == NULL) {
        map->entries[slot] = entry;
      } else {
        MapEntry *iter = map->entries[slot];
        while (iter->next) {
          iter = iter->next;
        iter->next = entry;
      map->count += 1;
  • Get value for a key: to get the matching value for for a key, first we check the matching slot in map, if the key not found, we traverse the linked-list.

    bool hash_map_get(HashMap *map, int key, void *value) {
      size_t slot = hash_function(map, key);
      MapEntry *iter = map->entries[slot];
      while (iter) {
        if (iter->key == key) {
          value = iter->value;
          return true;
        iter = iter->next;
      return false;
  • delete entry: similar to the has_map_get function, we need to search for the matching key's position. then we should remove the entry, and update the pointers for the matching entry, and it's parent entry.

    void *hash_map_delete(HashMap *map, int key) {
      size_t slot = hash_function(map, key);
      MapEntry *iter = map->entries[slot];
      MapEntry *prv = NULL;
      while (iter) {
        if (iter->key == key) {
          if (!prv) {
            map->entries[slot] = iter->next;
          } else {
            prv->next = iter->next;
          iter->next = NULL;
          void *value = iter->value;
          map->count -= 1;
          return value;
        prv = iter;
        iter = iter->next;
      return NULL;